...one of rock's most astute singer-songwriters of the
last 40 years
~ Los Angeles Times ~

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What Do We Do Now
written by John Hiatt

What do we do now
What do we do now
What do we do now
What do we do now

When it's lying there with a busted heart
Like a piece of glass where do you start
Do we pick it up or say goodbye
Is there one tear left for us to cry


What if I can't stay
What if you can't stay
What if I can't leave
What if you can't leave

What if I believed
Every word you say
What if you believed
Until today

Do we call the kids
Or call the cops
Can you hold me 'till
This howling stops


Gimme back my steel,
Gimme back my nerve
Gimme back my youth
For the dead man's curve
For that icy feel when
You start to swerve
Give us back the love
We don't deserve

'cause we rode it long,
We drove it hard
And we wrecked it
In our own backyard
